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Brilliant Blue FCF (E133) Food Grade C.I. 42090
Brilliant Blue G250 C.I. 42665
Brilliant Cresyl Blue 40% C.I. 51010
Brilliant Crystal Scarlet C.I. 16250
Brilliant Green C.I. 42040
Bromobenzene 99%
2-Bromobutane 98%
Bromocresol Green 0.04% Alcoholic Indicator
Bromocresol Green Free Acid
Bromocresol Green Sodium Salt
Bromocresol Purple 0.04% Alcoholic Indicator
Bromocresol Purple Free Acid
Bromocresol Purple Sodium Salt
2-Bromo-2-methylpropane 98%
Bromophenol Blue Indicator ACS
Bromothymol Blue 0.04% pH Indicator
Bromothymol Blue sodium salt
Buffer Solution (Glycine) pH 2.2
Buffer Solution pH 3.0
Buffer Solution pH 4.0
Buffer Solution pH 7.2
Buffer Solution pH 8.0
Buffer Solution pH 9.0
Buffer Solution pH10
Buffer Solution pH6.0
Buffer Solution pH7.0
Buffer Tablets pH 4.2 to make 100ml
Buffer Tablets pH 6.4 to make 1L (1000ml)
Buffer Tablets pH 6.8 to make 100ml
Buffer Tablets pH 7.0 to make 100ml
Buffer Tablets pH 7.0 to make 1L
Buffer Tablets pH 7.2 to make 100ml
Buffer Tablets pH 9.2 to make 100ml
Buffered Formalin 10%
Buffered Water pH 6.8
Butan-1-ol 99.4% ACS
Butan-1-ol 99.4% ACS (GW)
Butan-2-ol 99.5% ACS
IsoButanol 99% ACS
Butyl Acetate 99%
Butyl Glycol 99%
Butyric Acid 99% Food Grade


Cadmium Sulphate 8 Water ACS
Caffeine Anhydrous 98.5- 101.0% BP,USP, EP6
Calcium Acetate 99%
Calcium Carbide
Calcium Carbonate 96.8%
Calcium Chloride 77.5%