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Muller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth (MKTTn) Group Picture

Muller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth (MKTTn)

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Code: KM0063-500G
  Pack Size List Price Qty  
photo_camera 500g
Pack: 500g


This is a selective enrichment broth for the isolation of Salmonella spp. primarily from food and food product samples and conforms to the requirements of ISO 6579:2002. It can however be used in other areas including clinical and environmental specimens.

Salmonella spp. reduce tetrathionate and will proliferate in the medium whilst most other enteric organisms are inhibited. Unlike the older traditional tetrathionate broth, the addition of novobiocin (40 mg/l) improves the inhibition of Proteus spp.

Immediately before use it is necessary to add 20 ml/l of 2% iodine/iodide solution (BM0946). Once the iodine/iodide solution has been added the medium should be used immediately and cannot be stored for future use.NB:As this is an opaque medium, the turbidity of the broth alone cannot be used as an indication of growth.

This is a selective enrichment broth for the isolation of Salmonella spp. primarily from food and food product samples and conforms to the requirements of ISO 6579:2002. It can however be used in other areas including clinical and environmental specimens.

Shelf Life (days): 1095 days

Storage Temp (°C): 10-30°C

Dehydrated Medium Appearance: Fine Powder

Prepared Medium Appearance: Liquid

Dehydrated Medium Colour: White

Prepared Medium Colour: Green with White Precipitate

Dehydrated PH: 8.0 ± 0.2

Prepared PH: 8.0 ± 0.2

Recommended Incubation
Aerobically at 37°C ± 1°C for 18-24 hours

Formula g/L

Meat Extract: 4.3

Enzymatic digest of casein: 8.6

Sodium Chloride: 2.6

Calcium Carbonate: 38.7

Sodium Thiosulphate (anhydrous): 30.5

Oxbile: 4.78

Brilliant Green: 0.0096

Total: 89.5

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